The Wedding in Australia-Sarah and Kevin

12 十月, 2006 at 10:07 下午 (Australia)


200699 Sarah and Kevin 的結婚大典之日. 也是我第一次參加澳洲式的婚禮 (備感榮幸阿!!!)

這一天也是非常匆忙的一天, 非常有別於台灣的婚宴. 98日新郎/新娘/伴郎/伴娘就開始進駐 Sarah & Kevin 的預定的5星級飯店的總統套房 房間中的窗外景色可以遙望Sydney Opera House!! 這一天也是第一次與伴郎伴娘們見面. 有點小緊張! *_*

結婚當天的行程都排的很充實. 從早上早起至髮廊有專人梳妝打扮 (如果撇開大學社團所畫的舞台妝, 這是我第一次話這麼濃的妝. 一開始實在有點不太習慣)

中午稍作休息用餐. 因為新郎新娘結婚當天不能見面

(根據澳洲結婚的習俗, 新郎新娘結婚當天試不能見面的歐!!!要直到Reception 典禮完成之後. 所謂的Reception 是指有證婚人完成證婚儀式, 在場有親朋好友祝福. 就像我們在西洋電影中常看到的教堂證婚畫面, 只是Sarah & Kevin 的婚禮是在View 極好的飯店中舉行) 所以男女各方輪流享用至總統套房中的典雅餐廳中用餐 接下來是一連串的婚紗攝錄影.

在台灣, 婚紗照都是在婚宴前全組拍攝好 但在澳洲反而是在婚宴當天排出時間幫新郎新娘與伴郎伴娘拍攝婚照 另外, 也有錄影小組全程跟拍 ^__^ 在拍攝的當天, 天氣既冷又飄著小雨 我與另一位伴娘Amy 都隨身帶著一件外套禦寒 反而是Sarah 一件外套也無法攜帶, 但是她語帶甜蜜的說: 我有Kevin 的大外套 好甜蜜歐!!!!!!  

從他們寫的誓詞~雙方的互動~眼神 我可以深深的發現, 他們深愛的對方. 從高中相戀到現在整整8年了. 現在已經很少看到相處8年之後的戀人, 情人還可以如此視對方是彼此的唯一! 當然, 在照片中可以看到 Sarah 是一位非常迷人具氣質的Lady !!! 也因此有感而發的寫了一首詩給Sarah, 公開在婚禮上的上表祝福.

在下午的Reception 中, 我打頭陣..ㄏㄏㄏ..可能因為我個頭最矮  在現場我只認識Sarah 的媽媽與Sarah 的外婆, 所以在我一個人打頭陣進場時, 所有在場的人禮貌式起立歡迎(最主要是歡迎新娘啦!) 我所能做的就是…微笑~~微笑~~微笑~~踏著典雅的步伐…(當然當時有許多閃光燈閃爍, 真想向他們要照片!!) 重頭戲當然是Sarah 媽媽牽著Sarah 出場!

在證婚人的主持之下Sarah & Kevin 互說著自己寫的誓詞… You may kiss the bride!!! 別以為, 證婚完之後, 新郎新娘就等著晚上的晚宴歐! 我們 (新郎新娘/伴郎伴娘) 要趕著在去拍攝婚紗照!

固定鏈結 發表迴響

Dear Sarah

2 十月, 2006 at 11:14 上午 (Australia)

Sarah and I have known each other for over 15 years. After she moved to Australia, we contact with each other via letter, email and MSN.

9th Sep. 2006 was her big wedding day with her husband Kevin in Sydney, Australia! I was so happy to be her one of bridemaids.

For Sarah…..

Dear Sarah,

Your smile is so charming,

that makes you so yumming!

No wonder, Kevin catch you and got to getting marry.

Tonight, it is my pleasure to attend your wedding,

I do believe everything in your life always in happy ending.  


固定鏈結 發表迴響

The trip in Australia

1 十月, 2006 at 9:50 上午 (Australia)

The RocksJennie and me 

Pic1: The RocksThe Rocks is part of ther traditional home of the Aboriginal Cadigal people. It is also the site where First Fleet mariners stepped ashore and established British settlement on 26 Jan. 1788. Located along the harbour foreshore, much of ther area’s colonial and seafaring heritage is conserved in the architecture, in the texture of hand-hewn sandstone, in the steps and alley and rich laryers of history.

Pic2: Jennie and me. Jennie, a girl who came from Sweden, and I went to Sydney Opera House.  

Sep. 6th , 2006 was my first time to Australia. Everything in Australia is novelty for me.

During the trip I found several things:

  1. Alone also could be happy. For example: I met a young girl who came from Germany. She is prety, nice and smart. She seems know what she want. She came here for learning English( actually she can speak very good English already) and go to Language School to learn English. Now She has part-time job in Australia. She will stay in Australia for 1 year. One day I asked her: what ’s your plan for your future? She said: “I would like to have a my own bookshop, maybe in Australia. But first I have to earn many money.” Look! She has such a ambition!!! I like her. Because she know what she want! 
  2. Talk with people. I really love to talk with people or to chat with people. Because talking can let me to get more different point of view from different people. It can open my eyes and mind. Getting different ideas that can make me think and then find different way out.  
  3. Push ourselves. At begining, I was afraid to talk with foreigners in my cheap hotel. But to talk with foreigners that is my main reason to travel alone. So I decided to push myself to talk with other people, even say hi or how are you? I did. ” Good begining–nice process–and happy ending” Thus, I am not afraid to talk with any people. I can say hi or where are you from without any fear. Plus Smile !!! 
  4. Smiling everytime!!!Druing my trip, I felt ” Smile is the wonderful language in the world” No matter what, just smile!!

固定鏈結 The trip in Australia 已關閉迴響。